The method of Real Time Composition has been developed and systematized by João Fiadeiro since 1995. At a first stage, its main framework was the need to create a system of composition that could be shared by his collaborators along the creative process. In a second stage, it asserted as a tool to explore modalities of dramaturgic writing within the dance field, and was studied, developed and used by several artists and researchers. Since 2005 it has been asserting in the territory of research at large thus widening its range of interest and use beyond the boundaries of dance and even art.

The goal of the “Real Time Composition” method is to put the maker in the position of “mediator” and “facilitator” of the events, blocking his temptation to impose himself by means of the will or the ability to manipulate them. His only “creative act”, should there be any, amounts to the mastery with which he handles the tension, the balance and potential of the material he is dealing with, letting things happen – if they really have to – by themselves.